Apparently the videos were too large for blogger, so I used a program to make them smaller--hopefully this will work now.
Yesterday we took the bus to Venezia. Only a little over an hour and 5.50 to get there, but the bus was hot and packed! Sadly, you can't take the train from Chioggia to Venezia, but motion sickness is a pretty small price to pay for a day in Venezia. We arrived at Piazzale Roma and caught the traghetto to San Marco. I was lucky to have a seat in the front with a great view, and of course had to indiscriminately snap photos of everything that looked interesting! Here are a few scenes from the grand canal.
Guys doing construction work from a boat |
Bridge of Sighs |

We went to the Correr Museum which is near the palazzo ducale because Tom loves museums with local history and the local history of Venezia is a lot more interesting than that of, say, Tacoma. The biennale of modern art is going on this year and there was modern art interspersed with the antiquities which was interesting. A room full of 4th century busts and, overhead, an installation piece of a large black bag that inflated at random intervals, then spun around and deflated...undoubtedly a commentary on the financial issues in D.C. After the museum we headed to a nearby sandwich shop for lunch, before heading to the palazzo ducale. We visited both places on earlier trips, but they bear repeating and it is quite different at this time of year. I recall being packed into the palazzo like sardines when we last visited, barely able to see anything. This time, even though it seemed like a lot of tourists after Chioggia where we never hear or see any other Americans, there were very few people in the museum or palace. We were cringing at an obnoxious American couple speaking VERY loudly with annoying Texas accents complaining that there weren't any elevators in the 700 year old palazzo ducale, but then a French family came by and were even more obnoxious so we felt a little better and no longer felt like we should pretend to be Canadian. No photos allowed in the museum, but here are a few from lunch and the palazzo as well as wandering around aimlessly: Hopefully just the first of many day trips to Venezia while we are in Chioggia.
just |
Angel weathervane , local lore is that the angel must be a woman because she never lies |
Tom buys lunch at the bar |
See the large naked pink lady? Part of biennale are exhibit. |
Courtyard, Palazzo Ducale |
Tom at palazzo ducale. |
Gilded ceiling at palazzo ducale--real gold |
Lamp with pigeons at San Marco piazz
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