Today was my first "first day of school" since September 1980. It started with a written placement test that made me wish I had reviewed all those pesky little words like 'ne,' followed by a brief oral test which was really just a short conversation with one of the teachers. Tom and I both ended up in level 2B which is the second level of the intermediate class. The next level is 3A--advanced--and after listening to some of the other students I'm certain I didn't belong there. Most of the students are 25 and under and about 60% are from Asia.When not speaking Italian, everyone uses English even though there appear to be very few native English speakers. We astounded the Korean girl waiting in line in front of us by greeting her in Korean. She then asked if we knew where she could get kimchee in Perugia--I'm afraid she is doomed to failure on that score. After the tests we all had to go wait in a very very long line to get assigned to a group and get our student IDs. My first student ID in 3 decades!
Our class schedule--glad there are only 2 classes beginning at 8 am. Twice a week we have classes from 5 to 7, good thing we have gotten used to late dining Italian style. |
Student id. The bad news was we didn't know we were supposed to bring 2 pictures--must have been on the website somewhere and I missed it, since other people brought pictures. Good news was that we had some pix at the apartment left over from getting the permesso, and Tom ran back and got them. Bad news--they were NOT attractive pictures. |
X marks the spot where our apartment is located, overlooking Piazza Andidei which has been turned into a parking area. The blue U by the piazza braccio is the Universita di Stranieri. You can see it is a very short walk to the universita from our apartment. |
In honor of finishing our registration we had a celebratory lunch in a nearby restaurant. Tom had bacala with pasta in a pesto-rosemary sauce and I had papparadelle (big wide noodles) with a cinghiale (wild boar) sauce. The food was pretty good and the wine was excellent, a Greccho from Umbria. Now, time to review some pronouns before bed. Buona notte.
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