After two years we finally made it to Bonn, Germany to visit our friends Gaby and Gerhard and their family. They are incredible hosts and it was a fabulous week. Although we were in Bonn a few years ago, there were many things to do and see. In the interests of exploring other cultures we of course had to drink the local beer, Kolsch. Tom explored this aspect of German culture very thoroughly.
Tom has always been interested in gardening |
There was one day of pouring rain and thunderstorms, unfortunately it was the day Gerhard's band, Taste of Woodstock, played at a local park (with a biergarten of course). It was a great concert nonetheless.
Enjoying a Kolsch with Jens and Ingo at the concert
Gerhard in front with guitar as Taste of Woodstock rocks it out |
It was a week of delicious eating and drinking, at home and in various restaurants and cafes.
Tom and Gerhard make pizza for dinner |
Outdoor cafes are as popular here as they are in Italy |
Gerhard was kind enough to take us on several outings, including two trips to visit castles and go castle spotting, a ride on a little ferry across the Rhine for (of course) cake and coffee, and a visit to Gaby's father. His son Ingo, meanwhile, devoted himself to teaching me to say polliwog in German (don't ask) and took us on a tour of the nearby village, whose symbol is a donkey.
View of the Mosul river |
Burg Eltz, a real fairy tale castle |
Schloss Drachenberg (on the way to Dragon Rock) |
Schloss Drachenberg |
Apfel kuchen opportunity at the top of dragon rock |
View of the Rhine |
This is how we roll(s) |
Tram to top of Dragon's rock, full of attractive tourists |
castle spotting on the Rhine |
We also visited several villages along the Rhine, including Bacharach, saw the modern art museum in Bonn, and explored the little village by Gerhard's house, with Ingo, who kindly took a photo of Tom for posterity.
Always a good sport, Tom poses with his friend |
Three generations, Gerhard, Gunter, and Ingo |
Modern art or electrical wiring gone horribly wrong, you decide.
After a fabulous week, and a welcome break from the heat wave in Italy, we are back in Arezzo. We knew we were headed to Italy when we saw a fellow passenger wearing a scarf in 38 degree weather (almost 100 degrees)! Bella Italia e viva Germania!
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